
Governor Visits


10th October - Pau Dillon - Chair of Governors

I accompanied the Year 6 St Theresa class on a visit to the ruin of the The Garrison Church of St George, Woolwich. The Church was built for soldiers stationed at Woolwich Barracks from 1862 until it was hit and destroyed by a V1 Rocket launched by the Nazis in WW2.

The children had a wonderful informative day learning much about the history of the Church, the local area and of course the various wars until the church was attacked.

The children behaved impeccably, enjoyed their day out and were a credit to the school.  Thanks to Miss Brilliant for a very well organised and enjoyable day out for the children and myself.


8th October - Jamila Dixon, Class Governor Year 4

It was a lovely morning in St Martin de Porres where the school values were clearly displayed and lived out. The atmosphere was calm and welcoming.   The Catholic Social Teaching was a positive environment and the classroom was wonderful with brilliant displays of work.  Many of the children were confidently volunteering to answer questions and eager to engage with me.  The patience of the staff enhanced the positivity of the experience. 


6th September Jamila Dixon, Paul Dillon, Luke O'Rafferty

Attended the Beginning of Term mass.  Mass was wonderful with children reading and singing beautifully.


5th September - Sam Gannon, Chair Governor

Along with the Headteacher and Vice Chair of Governors, Sam walked around all of the classes, meeting the children as well as the new teachers.  There was a lovely atmosphere across all classes.


5th September - Paul Dillon, Vice Chair Governor

Along with the Headteacher and Chair of Governors, Paul walked around all of the classes, meeting the children as well as the new teachers.  There was a lovely atmosphere across all classes.


4th September - Jamila Dixon, Parent Governor

Met with year 1 teachers and support staff to deliver training and review an Individual Medical Care plan




Paul Dillon - Vice Chair Governor

Platform Cricket Inter School Festival Under 9’s Cricket Tournament

Continuing the momentum from winning the Pan London event in 2023 a new set of year 4’s & Year 3’s embarked on 2024 Tournament at The Rectory Field, Charlton.

The team progressed from the group to the semi-final and for the second year running the final.

The final was versus Cherry Orchard school who had surprisingly eliminated pre-tournament favourites Invicta in their semi Final.

After very close, tense game with some excellent cricket played by both teams, Victory prevailed for OLOG by a slender 6 runs. 

What was particularly impressive was the OLOG children espousing the Roman Catholic values and ethos of our school in resilience, team work and compassion. Even more pleasing was the children thanked the Umpires and Tournament officials unprompted at the conclusion of the day . They were a credit to the school today.

I would like to congratulate Mr Maher for preparing and coaching the winning team and Mr Gordon for his support and coaching on the day. This should act as further momentum to encourage OLOG children to play cricket.

The Pan London final will be held in September.


Luke O'Rafferty - Parent Governor

New Parents' Meeting - 2nd and 3rd July 2024

Last week I had the pleasure, as the Reception Link Governor, of being part of the welcome meeting for new pupils and their families who will be joining St Bernadette and St Francis in September. Lots of really useful information is shared in these sessions by the school, so it was lovely to see so many engaged parents in attendance.

For my part to try and improve inclusivity we have set up Whatsapp groups on behalf of the incoming parents. Whilst these things form naturally, our hope is that by establishing them early we avoid the risk of unintentionally excluding those people who do not happen to strike up a conversation at the school gates. Whilst this will not be part of the way the school communicates directly with parents, the hope with this trial is that parents can engage with each other before term starts making it easier for children to settle into their new environments.  If first impressions are anything to go by, the beaming smiles of the children who spent an hour in their new classroom certainly fed into the growing excitement for the new academic year.

See you in September!

Sam Gannon, Chair of Governors

Guitar Showcase - 25th June 2024

It was a privilege to attend this year's annual guitar showcase. Parents, governors and friends of the school were treated to a show of the children's talents including pianists, singers, and of course the large ensemble of guitarists. It was a joy to watch the children perform to their best, and very touching to see the pictures of the year 6 children through the years, this being their final showcase before moving onto senior school. Many thanks to the guitar teachers for their dedicated support in teaching the children music which is a great opportunity to have outside of the regular curriculum. It is brilliant to see how many children take this up!  


Summer Fayre - 29th June 2024

The sun was out for this year's summer fayre. The PTFA did a great job in hosting a fun filled day for the whole community. It was delightful to see so many teachers, support staff and parents enjoying the weather and socialising. We were treated to a fantastic talent show, including the school's fabulous Irish dancers - many thanks to Miss Maddison for her great work with these children. Mr Small was a great sport taking wet sponges to the face, all in the name of a good cause - though one suspects the cool down was a welcome one given the fantastic weather! A great day had by all, very many thanks to the efforts of all the PTFA and parent volunteers. 

Year 4 Class Mass - 27th June 2024

It was a pleasure to be at Year 4's class mass in church on Thursday morning. Fr Francis celebrated a beautiful mass in which the children were attentive and engaged, with excellent reading, revenant altar serving, and fantastic signing. Thank you to all the children for their participation, and to the teachers and staff for preparing the celebration. As always it is a real treat for the parishioners to be led in the liturgy by our wonderful children. 

Jenny Brown - 14th May 2024

I observed year 5, St. Elizabeth and St. Patrick’s classes today.

They had an RE lesson focusing on the Rosary and forms of prayer. This was a lovely session clearly furthering the Catholic life of the School whilst covering learning objectives. 

Both classes listened carefully and showed their learning objectives in writing and in dramatic form. They showed sensitivity and embraced the opportunity of group prayer. Thank you, year 5 and your wonderful teachers for sharing your learning with me


Luke O'Rafferty - Parent Governor 

Horniman Museum Trip - March 2024

Today I had the pleasure of becoming an honorary "Brain Box" and joining St Gerard's class trip to the Horniman Museum. I think the excitement of having a packed lunch with them led to a couple of the boys declaring themselves as being at the point of starvation on arrival at 10am! That was quickly forgotten as we descended into the aquarium and the children were clearly thrilled at the chance to get up close to a wide variety of creatures from Blue Poison Dart Frogs to Northern Sea Nettles (jellyfish) and the ever popular Clownfish. It was lovely to see how the children responded differently to the idea that they should pick some favourites and sketch them alongside notes about their habitats - even in my small group we had pictures of everything from orchids to coral to starfish.

We moved onto a museum-led workshop where the children got to get much closer than usual to the museum exhibits and got to touch and feel different parts of animals from a variety of habitats and think about why these animals had survived there. Touching real shark teeth, hefting an actual walrus tusk and feeling the spikes of a hedgehog were wonderful experiences, and the class were thoroughly engaged. The museum staff were rightly impressed at the thoughtfulness and eagerness of the students in their questions and answers.

After exploring the animal trail we returned to Charlton, and the number of heads snoozing against the bus windows on their return were a testament to a wonderful day out. A special shout out to Miss Russell for keeping things so well organised, and extra thanks to all of the staff and volunteers for making this visit a special one. Thanks for having me Brain Boxes!


Paul Dillon - Vice Chair of Governors

Year 3 Mass - 02 February 

I attended the Year 3 Mass which coincided with the feast of Candlemass which commemorates the presentation of Jesus at the Temple where he is referred to as 'The Light'.  

Fittingly mass commenced with a blessing of candles and a candlelit procession to the altar by children and parents.  Father Hyacinth's homily was wonderful as he told the children that they represent the 'light of christ'.  The children read and sang beautifully and the Mass was enjoyed by all.  I would like to thank Miss Maddison and Miss Ettinghausen and their Teaching Assistants for organising a very special morning mass for children, parents and parishioners alike.

Paul Dillon - Vice Chair of Governors

School lunch : Tuesday 23 January

I had school lunch with  KS2 Children to ascertain how the school lunch provision and experience is for the children.

There was a varied choice offered including Chicken wraps, Pizza, Curry, rice and  jacket potato. I had as sample of each and this was complemented by a fresh salad bar. For a desert I had flap jack with natural yoghurt. The food was very tasty and delicious. The children supervised and very well behaved. The ones I spoke to enjoyed their lunch food. I asked some if they were still hungry after lunch and they all said no they were full.

I was very impressed with the healthy, nutritious, and varied options in and would like to congratulate and thank Abby and her team on running a very impressive lunch service for the children.

Wrappers Club visit : Tuesday 23 January 2024

Having being part of the Governors and Staff working committee for the preparation for the transition from All kids Can to Wrappers Club, I visited the afterschool session to see how it was working in practice.

The first impression is how safe the children are from entry at the door to the monitored age appropriate activities,  integrating and socialising with other children of different ages. All the children seemed happy and relaxed under the supervision of professional, friendly and familiar faces.

The hall had been set out well with plenty of space and tables for activities.  In addition there was healthy, quality food provided for snacks, (fresh vegetables and beans on toast).

The Wrappers Club a great example of the school supporting the Roman Catholic community  in offering safeguarded support at an amazing value for parents.

I would like to congratulate Michelle, Bernie and the team for all their hard work in ensuring  a very successful transition and wish the club continued success.

Thanks to Nuala for leading the working committee of Governors and staff in delivering a complex transition.

Jenny Brown - Foundation Governor - 16th January 2024

As a school Governor I was invited to observe year 5 on 16th January, 2024. St. Elizabeth and St. Patrick’s classes.

I was warmly welcomed by both classes and observed an RE lesson. The children engaged well and enabled each other to understand and reach their learning objectives. Both classes were calm and showed a good environment for learning. Two lovely classes well supported by their teachers; well done.

Amanda Chung - LA Governor - Christmas Party - 20th December

On Wednesday 20th December, I had the great pleasure of helping with the preparations for St Joesph’s Christmas party.  I then spent the afternoon enjoying the celebrations with the children and joining in with all of the fun and games.  The children and teachers were in great spirits and it was nice to see how well everyone interacted.  I look forward to joining in again next time.

Amanda Chung - LA Governor - School Visit - Reading with St Joseph's and Christmas Guitar Concert December 2023

I visited on 5th December to spend some time reading with the children in St Joseph’s.  They were all extremely keen to share their story with me, and we talked at length about the characters in the book, what they were experiencing, and how they might be feeling.  to see the children read with such enthusiasm was great, and irrespective of their reading ability, they all joined in and kept pace with the conversation.

I then went on to watch the guitar concert, led by Steve Mac.  Steve was my son’s guitar teacher when he attended OLOG over 20 years ago now.  The children are just as enthusiastic now as they were back then.  The school hall was full of proud parents and everyone joined in with the singing, making it a really interactive celebration.  I am so proud to be a governor at OLOG, especially at moments like these. 

Amanda Chung - LA Governor - Christmas Fayre, 2nd December 2023

The PTFA Committee did a superb job of kicking off festivities with the Christmas Fayre on Saturday 2nd December. It was a really enjoyable event and it was extremely well attended by so many children and their families, staff, and governors.  All of the stalls were great and manned by such enthusiastic volunteers.  The tombola was like the Christmas gift that kept on giving, the homemade cakes were delicious, and the biscuit decorating was such a creative idea that kept so many of the children entertained.  Unfortunately I was turned away from Santa’s Grotto on account of my age, but those who did gain entry emerged looking very happy indeed!  Thank you to all who participated and gave so generously with your time and donations.   I feel so immensely proud to be a part of the school community.  It really is a privilege. 

Wishing you all a very merry Christmas.  


Paul Dillon - Vice Chair  - Year 5 Mass - 10th November 2023

I attended the Year 5 Mass on Friday 10th November.

The children's participation in the celebration was a joy to experience. Father Hyacinth's homily to the children spoke of the importance of service to God and being unselfish to each other. Many thanks to all Teachers and Teaching Assistants in preparing the year 5 so well.

Paul Dillon - Vice Chair All Saints Mass - 1st  November 2023

It was a pleasure to witness the school children  in collective worship for the All Saints mass in the school hall.

The mass was celebrated by Father Hyacinth who engaged wonderfully with the children throughout the mass and especially in the homily regarding the importance of remembering the lesser known Saints in our prayers.

The children contributed wonderfully to the occasion through the singing, readings and offertory procession.  A joyous occasion and I would like to thank all teachers and staff who prepared the children for such a wonderful occasion.


Start of Year Mass

Sam Gannon - Chair of Governors

It was a real joy to attend the first whole school mass of this academic year. To see the entire school community gathered together, impeccably presented and in sparkling voice, was a pleasure. Our Year 6 did a fantastic job leading the celebration as the school's new seniors, including readers, altar servers, offerants and technicians. The mass was imbued with a sense of new beginning and potential and as always the students were reflective, participatory, and reverent without exception.  

Jayne Penston - Foundation Governor

Whole School Mass 15th September:

A lovely way to start the new term in school. The children sat beautifully throughout the mass in the hall with several parents in attendance. The liturgy had been carefully prepared and the children read clearly and confidently. As always the singing was an absolute joy. A lovely welcome back to the OLOG school community.

Year 3 & 4 Charlton House trips - 20th & 27th September

I had the pleasure of accompanying 2 year groups to Charlton House as part of their History curriculum. The trips had been well planned with full risk assessments carried out and a sufficient number of adults to manage all the children. Both groups were interested in the history of the building and actively participated in answering questions, games and craft activities that had been prepared. As always, the staff had full control over the group and the children represented and made the school proud with their behaviour and respect for the historian who was guiding the tour. 

Year 4 Mass - 29th September

This morning I attended the year 4 mass at Our Lady of Grace church. I enjoy attending masses with this year group as they always sing so beautifully and with real joy and passion. The readers were well rehearsed, clear and confident and the whole year group actively participated in answering Father's questions during the homily. Thank you to the teachers who prepare the liturgy and the children for these lovely services. 

Paul Dillon - Vice Chair of Governors 

I attended the whole school Mass on for the beginning of the new academic year.  It was a joy to see the children, staff and some parents participate in the sacrament of Mass to reinforce the Roman Catholic ethos of Our Lady of Grace School.

The children participated in all aspects of the liturgy and it was a wonderful, spiritual and peaceful occasion led by Father Hyacinth.


Year 4 Class Mass

Thank you to Year 4 for leading such a beautiful celebration in Our Lady of Grace Church on the Feast of the Archangels. Fr Hyacinth was very pleased to hear such jubilant singing in the church, and as always the parishioners of the church were delighted to join in the celebration of the mass with the children, giving a real sense of communion across parish and school. The children were very engaged in listening to Fr Hyacinth's homily explaining the nature of angels and it was heart-warming to see these young communicants receive the Holy Eucharist with great reverence and respect. Well done to all involved in the preparation of this lovely service.



Jayne Penston - Chair of Governors

Year 6 Leavers Activities

I attended the leavers mass, performance and assembly and each was a great reflection on how far all of these young people have come. With this being the first year where there was 60 children, the teaching staff did a fantastic job of making sure that every child had some part of each activity during the week.

The performance, Shakespeare Rocks, was bursting with confidence and talent and the children all looked like they were enjoying it. It was well attended and enjoyed by all who were there. The leavers assembly was led by the children, each lighting a candle and reading aloud prayers and intentions about moving on to secondary school. A short video of the children's journey through the 7 years was played, a real celebration of their growth, friendships and time at OLOG. Finishing off the week with the leavers mass, the children once again represented the school perfectly. A full week of varied activities both joyful and reflective. I believe this cohort will go on to do well in their secondary settings and beyond, and hope to have them visit us again soon.

Paul Dillon - Foundation Governor

Platform Cricket Pan -  London Finals day - 14 July 2023 - Our Lady of Grace  - Champions of London!

400 teams ( Year 4) from across London entered the Platform Cricket Championships. Throughout the summer term 32 regional tournaments were held in  London with the winner of each progressing to  the Pan London Finals day,  held at Rectory field, Charlton.

The weather was wet and windy and the ground damp but the team won 3 of their 4 group games which put them top of their group and into the semi final  against Invicta of Deptford.

It was a close game but OLOG prevailed by 10 runs to book a place in the final versus St Bartholomew's of Sydenham.

The final was a tense affair in front of the main stand at Rectory field with all the participants watching, some 300 people. 

OLOG lost the toss and were put into bat first.  Despite the very damp conditions they managed to hit a couple of fours and a six which in addition  some excellent in between wicket running built up a modest score. Excellent fielding and bowling kept St Bartholomew's score low.  We were not told who was victorious until the presentations.

In the presentations the umpires selected a most valuable player from each team and this was awarded to Elijah Dixon.  

The umpires then selected the Player of the Tournament which was awarded to Harry Dillon.

Then the winner of the final was announced with Our Lady of Grace winning the final by 5 runs and thus newly crowned Champions of Platform Cricket London.

Every player in the team  played their part in an amazing achievement.

Thank you again  to Mr Lammas, Mr Maher for their coaching of the children who again excelled themselves in representing the school well and will remember this day for many years to come.

As a Governor I hope this success inspires the classes below to get involved with Cricket and emulate this fantastic success for the school.

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Paul Dillon, Foundation Governor

Year 4 Cricket Festival - 6 July 2023

On Thursday 6th July 2023 I attended the Platform Cricket Charlton & Kidbrooke Festival.  

Platform Cricket is a charity that delivers free 'in school' coaching and has worked in partnership with OLOG Year 4's in the half term before Easter for the last two years. Their aim is to provide access to cricket to children in London who would not normally get that opportunity and break the perception that cricket is only available to the affluent. 

Schools across the Greenwich Borough entered  including neighbours Fossdene & Invicta. OLOG entered two Teams A & B.  I accompanied Mr Llamas & Mr Maher to assist for the tournament day of Cricket.  We arrived at 9:30am and after registration & short demonstration of the rules our teams were soon playing in their respective round robin leagues.  Both Teams qualified for the quarter finals for which both won close matches.   The semi final was the nightmare scenario of OLOG A  versus OLOG B.  The match was tense and close and the A team won by only 2 runs. This result demonstrates the depth of cricket talent on display from both OLOG teams.The B team played well in the 3rd place playoff to Invicta but lost in another close game. 

In the final versus Charlton Manor the excellent bowling, stumping and catches ensured a modest score for Charlton Manor. The OLOG A team battled superbly to win by 44 runs with steady batting and in the final over 3 smashed 6's sealing the victory.  After the medal presentation they posed for photographs as Champions.  AS winners of the Tournament OLOG A Team will now play in the Pan London Final on 14th July at the Rectory Field, Charlton 31 other Teams from  across London.

All the children behaved in a super sporting manner, were very well behaved throughout the day and were a credit to the school.

The children were so excited buzzing on the way back to school and they thoroughly enjoyed their day. I would like to thank Mr Llamas and Mr Maher for allowing me to observe and assist. It was a wonderful day and I hope it encourages more children at OLOG to play cricket.  I would like to thank Mr Small and the Year 4 Teachers for allowing the children out for a day they will never forget. 

Finally I would like to thank Jahid Ahmed and the Crickets coaches at Platfrom Cricket for providing the coaching and hosting  a free tournament for the local schools. These initiatives should be encouraged and applauded.

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Jayne Penston, Chair of Governors

Young Voices School Choir Competition - 17.06.23

I had the pleasure of watching two of our school choirs perform on Saturday at the New Wine Church in Woolwich. Children all arrived at 11am for their rehearsal and staff were on hand and organised in keeping the children safe. 

The first choir directed by Ms Wood were competing against other local schools and presented themselves perfectly. The singing and choreography all came together and they gave an excellent polished performance that they can feel very proud of. 

The second group, Ms Okereke's gospel choir, had been invited to entertain the audience whilst the judges were deliberating. The sang a beautiful gospel song, which was warmly received by the audience, and again did an excellent job of representing our school.

The day was finished off by Ms Wood's choir taking second place in the competition and winning some musical instruments for the school.

Well done to all of those who took part in the day and thank you to the staff who attended and prepared the children, they did a fantastic job! 


Paul Dillon, Foundation Governor

School Council House of Parliament Trip 07 June 2023

I accompanied the school council children on a tour of the Houses of Parliament.
This trip was a privilege for the children to witness the centre and workings of the
United Kingdom’s democracy. The children were able to sit in the Public Gallery to
watch MP’s in debate. They also visited Westminster Hall which the children found
particularly interesting for its history ranging from the Trial of Charles 1 st (1649) to the
lying in state of Winston Churchill (1965) and Queen Elizabeth II (2022)

After the Tour and in the Parliament Education centre. The children were asked and
encouraged to suggest and debate new laws which they all enjoyed.

The school council also met the Serving MP for Greenwich & Woolwich, Matthew
Pennycook, who explained his daily and weekly Parliamentary routine and

This was a fantastic trip for the children who cope with travelling on public transport
in in a very hot environment and they gave an excellent account of themselves in
Parliament as representatives of the school. Credit to Miss Maddison for organising
a wonderful, educational and enjoyable day,


Jayne Penston, Chair of Governors

Parent Meeting for YR6 SATs

I attended a meeting for year 6 parents around the year 6 SATs led my Ms Antwi. Parents and year 6 were in attendance to find out about what SATs are, how they are marked, the preparation involved for the children and some practical tips on how best to support them at home. The talk was clear, informative and a good length to hold everyone's attention. Ms Antwi was clear and knowledgeable about the subject with parents and pupils encouraged to ask questions regarding the presentation. An excellent example of the school involving parents in their children's learning.

Year 3 Mass 17.03.23

I had the pleasure of attending year three mass this morning. As always, the singing from this year group was clear and joyful. The children taking part in the liturgy had been well prepared and spoke with confidence and clarity. Throughout the mass the children behaved with respect appreciation for their surroundings. Well done to all those involved in the preparation for this mass.

Safe Guarding visit 17.03.23

Each term I meet with Ms Sully to check the Single Central Register and to discuss any concerns or updates needed regarding safeguarding. As always this document was well maintained and clearly showed how the school are adhering to their safeguarding responsibilities. With only one action point to carry out I am confident that the school is continuing to create a safe environment for our children to learn in.

Easter Passion Play 30.03.23

As a catholic school we follow the Easter journey of lent through fundraising for charity, the RE curriculum and our Easter Passion play. The service yesterday was beautifully coordinated with the children performing to a very high standard. The key characters spoke with purpose and meaning and the singing was well rehearsed and executed perfectly. To see young people perform such a solemn and moving story with such integrity makes me proud to be a parent and a governor at this school. Parents were not only impressed but also moved by this wonderful production. Thank you to all the staff involved in the preparation and rehearsals, and also thank you to the children for such a wonderful performance.


Elizabeth Redford, Foundation Governor

Easter Passion Play 30.03.23

I had the pleasure of joining the school community for this year's Passion Play.  I am always moved by the children's sincerity and respect when recognising and dramatising the last days of Our Lord.  Their composure, participation and behaviour was exemplary as always.


Dr. Jenny Brown, Parent Governor

Year 5 Class visit  - 6th March 2023

I sat in on RE lessons with both year 5 classes.

It was a pleasure to watch such carefully planned, inspiring lessons.

Each class has a different personality, but I was welcomed by all and they were proud to share their learning.

St. Elizabeth’s class, with Mrs. Okereke, engaged in an interactive lesson where two children had prepared a presentation and everyone got involved in discussion and writing about the meaning of the parable of the Prodigal son.

St. Patrick’s class, with Mrs. Hall, embraced the topic and showed good understanding and thoughtful interpretations of the parable. The children were well supported, with attention given to their individual needs.

Both classes took the topic to the next level by considering the difficult concept of the Beatitudes; which they had studied in a previous lesson. They thought carefully through the parable for examples of the beatitudes; which showed outstanding depth of knowledge.


Jayne Penston, Chair of Governors

Year 3 Mass - January 2023

This morning the year 3's lead the mass at Our Lady of Grace church. The readers had all been well prepared and read perfectly with real clarity. All the children enjoyed answering Father Nicholas's questions and took part fully in the mass, especially when it came to the singing! They raised the roof and lifted the spirits of all in attendance that morning. Thank you to the teachers for preparing the readers and ensuring that all children know how to and feel able to take part in the mass. 


Jayne Penston, Chair of Governors

Young Voices, O2 - January 2023

I had the pleasure of chaperoning 60 children who were participating in the Young Voices choir performance at the O2 this evening. As part of a 9000 strong choir, our children truly shone. They were an absolute pleasure to sing along with and did a wonderful job of representing Our Lady of Grace at this event. Mrs Okereke had made a banner, there was a lot of chanting and then a chance to share their beat boxing skills with the rest of the arena. It was an exceptionally long day for them all but they all gave a wonderful performance and should be very proud of themselves, well done!


Jayne Penston, Chair of Governors

KS1 Christmas Performance - December 2022

This morning I attended the KS1 Christmas performance and I was so impressed. The children with speaking parts were all very clear, spoke confidently and performed with real gusto. The singing from all of the classes was wonderful and the room was filled with Christmas spirit. It was wonderful seeing so many parents coming together to watch and support their children. Well done to all the staff who prepared these children, sorted costumes and arranged music. A lovely morning celebrating the Christmas story with the Our Lady of Grace children!


Elizabeth Palmer, Governor - December 2022

Dear Mr Small,

Just a note to say that I attended the carol service this evening at St George’s. Four pupils attended from OLOG. It was a lovely evening and the girls represented the school beautifully. The Bishop noted in his address that the presence of the pupils from across Southwark lifted his heart. The music and setting was indeed uplifting and a suitable preparation for Christmas. It was a lovely opportunity for the Year 6 pupils.


Jayne Penston, Chair of Governors

Meeting with SENDCo - September 2022

Today I met with Miss Barrett to discuss the year ahead. I was informed of the current number of children with EHC plans and that there were 2 that went in before Summer and another 2 being processed and ready to be submitted in the Autumn term. The process is lengthy but Miss Barrett collates all the evidence and submits knowing that she can get a favourable outcome for our children.

We have managed to secure riding lessons for 6 of our children at Charlton Park Riding for the Disabled. These lessons are completely free and the children benefit greatly from the experience.

Miss Barrett has been working closely with teachers to raise awareness and get them more involved in interventions. She is also reviewing the paperwork that sits alongside these to ensure workload is manageable. 

Priorities are to get a SEND coffee morning in the diary to meet parents and create supportive networks, update children's provision plans and speak to schools in the local area who have been through Ofsted reviews recently to ensure we are in line with all requirements.

Miss Barrett is thorough and methodical when it comes to running SEND support in Our Lady of Grace. She has taken time and care to make sure each child on the SEND register has the right amount of support to achieve their full potential. 


Elizabeth Redford - September 2022

I had the pleasure of attending Mass with Year 3 on 30th September 2022. As always the children were very well behaved. They sang with enthusiasm and were really keen to engage with Father's sermon. It was lovely to see the support of family in the congregation.

Focus of visit: Overall Effectiveness; Effectiveness of Leadership and Management, Personal Developmet, Behaviour and Welfare