
Year Four


Autumn Newsletter - September 2024

Summer Newsletter - April 2024

NEWSLETTER - Spring 2024


Welcome back everyone! We hope you all had a restful Christmas holiday and we wish you all a  very happy and healthy new year. We would like to thank you all for your very generous gifts and  warm wishes. 

Thank you for all your support last term with your children’s learning at home. Please continue to  support them by making sure they are on time and dressed appropriately for school.  Only children in St Martin De Porres will be taking swimming lessons this term. Kindly provide  your child with a one-piece swim suit - Girls are not allowed 2 pieces bikini style swim wear. All  children in St Francis of Assisi will be doing PE in school on Fridays, please ensure your child is  sent in with the school’s winter tracksuits because of the cold weather. 


In Religious Education this term, we will be learning about ‘Jesus, the Teacher’. We will be  looking at the Presentation of our Lord Jesus, his baptism and some of the parables. Moreover,  we will continue our liturgy sessions which we do weekly, allowing the children to develop their  relationship and communication with God. These sessions are child led and will carry on to be.  


● The topics we will be covering this term include: multiplication, measurement, fractions  and decimals.  

● By the end of Year 4, the children should be fluent and confident in their times table.  They are expected to recall with precision and speed the multiplication tables up to and  including the 12 times table. They will be formally assessed on these in the summer term  through the Multiplication Tables Check. The children must log on to Times Tables  Rockstars (TTRS) at least three times a week (but ideally every day) as part of their  weekly Mathematics homework. Their login can be found in their reading records.


This term, we will be using the Collins’ Treasure House anthology. We will look closely at  Traditional Tales. This text will be used to develop our writing skills in genres such as narrative,  storytelling and letter writing. This text will continue to be used in developing our grammar skills  in the areas specified by the national curriculum for Year 4. 

Your child should read to an adult at least three times a week. Please ensure their reading  records are duly signed and dated each time they read to you. It would be helpful and also  enhance your child’s enjoyment of books they have read if you can discuss their books with  them. A rough guide to doing this is by asking them to retell the story, what they think will  

happen next, what emotions characters are feeling and other relevant questions. Children will  continue to develop their vocabulary and improve their punctuation and grammar using the class  texts as well as other books they read in and out of the classroom so it is essential that book  reading is encouraged and supported at home as we will be doing in school. 

They will continue to improve their handwriting and those who do not yet use a pen will get a  chance to earn their pen licences. We aim to award pen licences to all children by the end of the  summer term so please ensure that your child practises their spelling list in cursive during  homework sessions at home. 


● In Humanities, we will be learning about UK industries and how people earn a living. We  will be introducing the concept of the economy, sectors and different types of jobs.  ● Our focus in science will be changing states of matter. We will be looking at how  different substances change at different temperatures using investigative experiments.  


Every Thursday your child will be given homework that is due the following Tuesday. Please  ensure it is handed in on time. Homework will consist of a piece of Maths, English and the weekly  spelling list. Spelling tests will be on Tuesday a list of the words for this has already been sent  home. All homework books have a copy of the homework policy inside the front cover. Please remember to check over and sign your child’s homework so we know that you have seen it. 

We are always happy to discuss any concerns regarding the children throughout the year. Please  come and see us at end of the day if you have any concerns or make an appointment through the  office. We are here to make sure the children are happy and achieving their full potential.  

Thank you all for your continued support. We look forward to working in partnership with you  over the next term. 


Mrs Odubanjo-Odutayo  &  Miss Brilliant

Class Teachers





Dear Parents,

Welcome back everyone and we hope you’ve had a good Easter holiday and are as excited about the summer term as we are!

Just as we did last term, Year 4 children will take home Literacy and Numeracy homework on Thursdays and it will be due back in school the following Tuesday. Spellings will be tested on Tuesdays.

Maths: The focus this term is Decimals, Money, Time and Shape following the White Rose Scheme of Learning. Helpful videos can be accessed here to support Maths at home:  We would like to emphasise the importance of the children studying their timetables up to 12 x 12, if possible, on a daily basis, as it is integral to all learning in Maths. Also, the children will be sitting the statutory multiplication check during the window of Monday 5th June to Friday 16th June.

English: In our English lessons, writing will be inspired through our new class text, The Boy at the Back of the Class by Onjali Q. Rauf. There will also be lessons on Grammar, Punctuation, Spellings as well as Comprehension. Please ensure your children read to you aloud at least three times a week with a written comment and signature in their Reading Record Books. Children should be encouraged to read independently on the other days. Reading is for enjoyment and when hearing your child read it would be great to question your child to develop their understanding of the book. For example, this could be questions about the characters and their actions backed with evidence from the text.

Science:  In Science the topic is Classifying Living Things and their Habitats.  If you are able to find books in the library on these subjects, this will broaden their knowledge and understanding and also enable them to share it with their peers.

Humanities: Children will be learning about The Shang Dynasty in History. We look forward to seeing their holiday projects!

RE: We will be learning about ‘The Early Christians’ and reflecting on what this means for us Christians today.

PE: This will be outdoor PE and swimming for selected children who would benefit from more practise to develop their confidence. It is very important that children have the correct kit for swimming (swimming hat, swimming costume/trunks and towel) and their PE kit. Please note that the children should have their PE kit at school throughout the week. Please ensure that all items of clothing are properly labelled as this will help us to find it promptly if it goes missing.

Thank you for your continued support.

Yours sincerely,

Catherine Selwyn/Dawn Webb                                 Afolake Odubanjo-Odutayo

St Martin de Porres Class Teachers                        St Francis of Assisi Class Teacher