

Please refer to the School Uniform Policy below for detailed information:

School Uniform Policy


School Uniform can now be purchased from Bailwood Fashions Ltd, 246 Lewisham High Street, London SE13 6JU.

Items of clothing can be bought straight from the shop or ordered online.

Please click on the link below to view the information sheet:

School Uniform Price List



Grey trousers (long or short)
White shirt
Red school jumper
Grey / red school tie
Grey socks
Black shoes
Red School Coat or black or dark blue overcoat or anorak

School bookbag / school rucksack 


Grey skirt or pinafore
Grey trousers (long or short)

White blouse
Red school cardigan/Red school jumper
Grey / red school tie
Red / grey tights (winter)
Black shoes
Red checked dress and white socks (summer) - no playsuits
Red School Coat or black or dark blue overcoat or anorak

School bookbag / school rucksack

P.E. Kit – boys and girls

Royal blue school shorts
White school T-shirt
Black Plimsolls or trainers - plain in design
Dark blue or black tracksuit (for outdoor P.E. in winter)
to be kept in the appropriate school P.E. bag

Please note: No football shirts to be worn during P.E. times.