
EYFS - St Francis

Reception - St Francis

Spring 2025

This term we have been reading "The Jolly Postman and Other People's Letters"  Please click on the link for the children's samples of work.

Samples of Work

Autumn 2024

Welcome to St  Francis

In Reception, we have been reading the book 'So Much by Trish Cooke.  Please click on the link for samples of work.

Samples of Work




Welcome to St Francis Class 2023 – 24

Spring 2024

In EYFS we have been reading The Jolly Postman.  We have been making up new places for the postman to visit.  Here is a piece of work.  Please click the link below to see some samples of work.


Samples of Work

Lent - February 2024

We have been learning about Jesus' time in the desert and the things he gave up during that time.  We discussed what happened to Jesus and decided that it was a time where Jesus gave up things like food, water, shelter and friends.  But we also thought that it was a good time for Jesus too, because he was with his dad.  So, for our Lenten promises, we thought of things we would give up and good things we would try to do for the 40 days of Lent.

St francis lent



We have had a good beginning to the year. All the children are
settling nicely.

In Literacy we have be reading the book Owl Babies and focusing on
comprehension, prediction and inference. We are using Little
Wandle for our phonics, we have been focusing on initial sounds and
are now beginning to blend short words.

We have been counting from 1 – 10 and learning their value, during
our Maths sessions.

We are very lucky to have Mr Maher, who teaches us PE on a
Thursday morning.
The staff in St Bernadette class are Mrs Simpson – Teacher, Mrs
Joy and Miss Nkey – TA’s.

Please click on the link below to view their sample of work

St-Francis - sample of work


Academic Year 22-23

We have been reading the 'Naughty Bus', we have been developing our predicting skills and have acted the story out to enable us to recall the story better. We have also been creating our own versions of the story and used this to aid our writing skills, working hard to remember capital letters, finger spaces and full stops.

Please click on the downloads below to view samples of work:

St Francis - samples of work

St Francis - samples of work