
Sports Premium

The primary PE and Sports Premium was introduced in March 2013 to improve the provision of physical education and school sport in primary schools across England. The £150 million per year funding is provided jointly by the Departments for Education, Health, and Culture, Media and Sport (DfE, DH, DCMS).

The premium must be spent by schools on making additional and sustainable improvements to the provision of P.E and sport for the benefit of all pupils to encourage the development of healthy, active lifestyles.

Please click here to access the government website.

Our Sports Premium funding allocations are as follows:

  • Amount of funding received in 2024/25 - £19,600
  • Amount of funding received in 2023/24 - £19,310
  • Amount of funding received in 2022/23 - £19,310
  • Amount of funding received in 2021/22 - £18,960
  • Amount of funding received in 2020/21 - £18,390
  • Amount of funding received in 2019/20 - £18,120
  • Amount of funding received in 2018/19 - £18,120
  • Amount of funding received in 2017/18 - £17,890

P.E. and school sport continue to play a very important part in the life of Our Lady of Grace School. We believe that P.E. and school sport contribute to the holistic development of our children and through participation, our children build and learn more about our values such as respect, unity, co-operation and kindness for themselves and others.

We are therefore delighted to be able to use the Sports Premium to support the development of P.E. and school sport in the following ways:

  • As a school we are keen to continue to call on the expertise of outside agencies to further enhance the learning of our children.
  • Employing a Specialist PE teacher to work with all teachers and classes
  • Provide quality assured professional development opportunities for teachers enabling quality teaching and learning for all children
  • Furthering Community links, and particularly with our feeder Secondary School, St Paul’s Academy
  • Develop the schools involvement in team sports and competitions
  • Provide higher quality lessons and improved learning for all
  • Continue to offer a wide range of school activities to pupils across the school.
  • Swimming lessons for Year 4 for an intensive period, which have shown to bring high impact on swimming abilities. This ensured that the statutory number of children were able to swim the minimum amount of length, but also allowed for a deepening of confidence for those who can already swim, but need to develop further.

PE Coaching

Our Lady of Grace have employed a specialist sports coach Michael Maher for two days per week to work with us to provide high quality Physical Education lessons.

We also enter several sports competitions at St Paul’s Academy as well as at other local primary schools, and Michael helps us prepare for these tournaments.

To continuously improve the teaching and learning of PE, all class teachers will be expected to attend PE sessions with Mr. Maher. Throughout each six week block, the class teachers will have an opportunity to observe, team teach and lead parts of PE sessions with support and guidance from Mr Maher.  Mr Maher will provide teachers with verbal feedback about teaching and learning.

Lunchtime groups for competition teams will continue to be timetabled for throughout the year. This is to maintain the high level of participation and achievement that our children have developed in all aspects of sport.

Least Active

  • Children in receipt of PP/FSM will be encouraged to take part in after-school clubs and are supported in doing so through P.E funding.
  • An Active Kids Club was run at lunchtime, targeted at developing the confidence in P.E. of the children who may be less active than their peers.


Outcomes for PE 2019-2020

Tournaments entered:

  • Years 5/6 Boys Football - winners
  • Years 5/6 Girls Football - joint runners up
  • Years 5/6 Boys Athletics team – winners
  • Years 5/6 Girls Athletics team - 3rd place


Outcomes for PE 2018-2019

  • Due to staff shortages at St Paul’s Academy, Sporting competitions for the summer term were cancelled.

Tournaments entered:

  • Greenwich Swimming Gala July 2019 - 3rd overall in the small schools category
  • Sportathon - June 2019 - 1st place
  • Years 5/6 Basketball - quarter finalists
  • Years 5/6 Sports Hall Athletics - winners
  • Years 5/6 Mixed Football - runners up


Outcomes for PE 2017-2018

Tournaments entered:

  • Greenwich Swimming Gala July 2018 - 3rd in the Small Schools Category
  • Sportathon June 2018 - 2nd place
  • Years 5/6 Mixed Touch Rugby – 2nd place
  • Years 5/6 Gaelic Football – runners up
  • Years 5/6 Sporthall Athletics Final - 2nd place
  • Years 5/6 Sportshall Athletics Competition - joint winners





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