Dinners, Milk & Healthy Eating
All children in KS1 are entitled to a free school meal under the Government directive. Children in KS2 have a choice of having either a school meal or bringing in a packed lunch. Under the Mayor of London scheme, all children of primary school age are entitled to a free school meal for 23-24.
Packed lunches should be brought into school in a wipeable lunch box labelled with your child's name. It is recommended that the lunch includes sandwiches or a roll, plain biscuit, yogurt and/or a piece of fruit and a bottle of water. (Bottles, squash or fizzy drinks and sweets/chocolate/crisps/popcorn are not allowed).
We prefer that once you have made a choice about dinners that your child stay on this for at least half a term. It is very important that you let us know about any allergies or special diet your child must follow. You may change from packed lunch to school dinner by notifying the office, in writing, before the school breaks for the half-term or the end of term.
Healthy Packed Lunches
As some children prefer a packed lunch we ask that parents do not pack anything with nuts. To adhere to the healthy school policy, please see the suggestions below.
Milk & Healthy Eating
Children under 5 receive free milk. This is also available to the rest of the school but is payable at the beginning of each term, when you will be advised of the cost and is to be paid through ParentPay.
All children in KS1 are given free fruit every day. All children may bring in a snack for morning break, but this should comprise of a piece of fruit.
Healthy Eating Status
The School has successfully obtained the Bronze Healthy Eating Award and is working towards the Silver Award.