Year Six
Please click on the latest newsletter for information on this term's topics for your child.
Spring Newsletter - January 2025
Autumn Newsletter - September 2024
Summer Newsletter - April 2024
Dear Parents,
As you know May 9th is ‘SATs Week’ and until then we will continue to concentrate on ensuring that the children are well prepared for the tests and raring to go! Please remember that the expectations have been raised in all subjects, so any additional support you can give to your child will be invaluable.
In order to help your child at home and if you have access to a computer (if not, the library will be useful) we would recommend the following websites:
- BBC Bitesize (new site)
- Doodle English
- Doodle Spell
- uk.smartickmethod
If your child worked on these for 30 minutes each evening - alongside the homework sent from school, it would be of real benefit to him/her.
After SATs we will be spending much more time on developing the children’s research skills and working on tasks which promote independent learning. Lots of our time will be spent on History, Geography and Science. We will continue to devote the statutory time allocation to core subjects.
In Religion we will be following ‘The Way, The Truth and The Life’ series and focusing on the transforming spirit. The children will be introduced to Jesus’ teaching about the transforming spirit; a teaching central to the life and mission of His followers. They will be taught the concept of our journey towards the Kingdom of God through some of the works of St Peter and St Paul.
Please note that the children should have their PE kit school throughout the week. Please ensure that all items of clothing are properly labelled as this will help us to find it promptly if it goes missing.
As part of their Secondary Transfer Programme, Year 6 will be very much involved in Junior Citizenship Day which will encourage independence and promote confidence as they move on to Year 7.
Please encourage your child to use the local library – to visit the parks and landmarks of London and to continue to study hard and hand in homework on time. Also, do remember that even fluent readers need an audience so please read with your child regularly. It really is no coincidence that our most fluent and able readers are those who read often at home. Thank you, parents!
The children have put so much effort into this year so far – thank you for your support, we do appreciate it and it makes such a difference to your child’s progress in class.
Yours sincerely,
Ms Antwi & Ms Huynh
Year 6 Teachers