RE News
Other Faiths - Judaism
This term we are learning about Judaism. Our study into other faiths helps us to learn about respecting others. Come and see our Judaism display which showcases work from EYFS all the way up to Year 6.
Whole School Mass 15th September 2023
Today we came together as a whole school to mark the beginning of the new academic year. Parents and governors were invited to come and share our special mass. Our service also commemorates the feast of Our Lady of Sorrows, where we remember the profound love that existed between Mary our Mother and her son our Saviour Jesus.
Our Lady of Sorrow Mass
Mini Vinnies Special Friends' Liturgy July 2023
The Mini Vinnies proudly welcomed special friends to our Liturgy this afternoon. We had the chance to sing together and pray together. Our focus was friendship and we had the chance to thank God for all the wonderful friends we have at our school
It was great to sit and be grateful for friends. This is something we don't usually get a chance to do in a mixed group - Isaac, (St Oscar Romero).
I enjoyed talking about the Gospel and thinking about what individual words and phrases mean for us today - Joseph, (St Martin de Porres).
I loved the attention to detail in how it was presented. I was impressed that it was all led by Haggen and Lilo - Sophie, (St Teresa).
Choir Competition - New Wine Gift Presentation
Members of the choir were visited by delegates from The New Wine Church in Woolwich to celebrate their success coming in 2nd place at the Young Voices Competition. They were awarded fantastic prizes which consisted of a guitar, a keyboard, a violin and some recorders. We are so proud of their dedication and this achievement!
175th Anniversary Mass in celebration of St George's Cathedral, 04.07.23
To watch the mass online, click in the link:
Our Lady of Grace is proud to be part of the Southwark Singing Programme. We were excited to be personally invited by the Archbishop to perform at the 175th Anniversary mass in celebration of St George's Cathedral, the mother church of the Archdiocese of Southwark. The children were honoured to be part of such a special celebration
"It was a beautiful and grand mass. For me it was great to speak to some of the priests in person and find out what it is like to be a priest." - Oliver
"The cathedral was beautiful. It felt very good to sing in front of the congregation and be part of such a fantastic choir." - Elsie
Year 6 were delighted to receive an invitation to The United Reform Church. Reverend Andrew organised a lovely morning to end the Spring Term. Children in Oscar Romero and St Teresa were given a tour of the Easter Display. They were able to make links with their own Passion Service and some work they have done in R.E. We ended the visit by singing "Servant King" for Reverend Andrew.
Other Faiths - Pongal Festival
Pongal is a multi-day Hindu harvest festival celebrated in India and Srilanka. It is called by different names in different parts of India such as Makara Sankranti, Uttarayana and so on. Pongal celebrations lasts for 4 days in mid Jan every year.
- The first day of pongal is called Bogi Pongal. It is a day when the house is cleaned and the unusable things are burnt.
- The second day is called Thai Pongal. On that day, we wear new clothes, cook the food called pongal and worship the Sun God Suriyan.
- The third day is Maattu Pongal. We worship the cows on that day and thank them for helping the farmers in agriculture.
- The last day is Kaanum Pongal. It is a day when we get together with our family and friends and share sweets.
This year, for pongal festival, Nethra Kalirajan performed a traditional Indian dance called
Dancers wear a dress with loads of frills at the front. They also wear lots of jewels and a jada (extended hair). They put dance makeup on their face and wear mahendi on their hands. The dance is made up of graceful steps and beautiful expressions.
Other Faiths - Sikh Workshop
At Our Lady of Grace we teach children to welcome and facilitate people of all backgrounds, including those of different faiths. This half term we have all been learning about Sikhism. Today, we were joined by Aman, a parent from our school community, who gave us a fantastic assembly about his Sikh faith.
The children learned about:
- The birth of Sikhism
- What Sikhs believe
- The story of Vaisakhi
- Places of worship
Aman was extremely impressed at the responses from the pupils when he gave them a quiz.
Children from Our Lady of Grace were asked to participate in a national young people's nativity painting competition organised by the Knights of St Columba.
We were really glad to find out that 2 of our children were winners - Tyler (Yr 4) who came 1st; and Julen (Yr 2) who came 2nd.
Well done to both of them.