Year 1 - St John Bosco
St John Bosco
Spring 2025
In St John Bosco we have been working on Instruction text. Please click on the link below for samples of the children's work.
Autumn 2024
This term we have been reading 'One Snowy Night' by Nick Butterworth. We have been looking at the describing words - adjectives that describe the weather. We discussed the problem and solution in the story.
We then used the model of 'One Snowy Night' to write our own stories, 'The Sunny Day'. We split the story into beginning, middle and end. We crafted a story with problems and solutions.
Please click on the link to view samples of work.
Religious Education
As a class, we discussed what happens during Lent. We thought about different acts of kindness which we can do such as giving to charity. We then wrote our Lenten promises and a prayer to God to help us during Lent.
St John Bosco - Samples of Work
This term in Year 1, we have been looking at instruction texts. As a class we explored the different features such as using time words and how they are bossy! We used these skills and wrote some instructions for 'How to make a jam sandwich.'
In English we have been reading 'One Snowy Night' by Nick Butterfield. After reading the story, we explored the difference characters and how they might have felt in different situations. We then worked on using adjectives to describe the different animals.
Please click on the link below to view the samples of work.
St John Bosco - sample-of-work
In Year 1 we have been reading Wild by Emily Hughes.
During this topic we have explored different themes of wilderness,home,families and friends. We have taken time to identify with a character's emotions, acted out how they could have felt at different parts of the story and finally, written our own wild adventure.
Please click on the link below to view the samples of work: